Here are 7 ideas to smooth the transition from summer vacation to “back to school” in a way that’s connecting, fun and effortless
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10 Ideas for Better Connection this Summer!
Do not overschedule your children with camps, sports, tutoring and other heavily-structured activities.
Fathers Are Important. Happy Father’s Day! (2022)
Emotionally available Fathers give their children the gifts of self-confidence, self- esteem and a strong sense of Self
Connection in Parenting: Back to Basics
Connection seems easy to understand but it’s not; there’s a lot of consistent inner work a parent must do in order to be able to connect
Happiness & Parenting: the PERMA Model
When I ask parents: “What does that mean for your child, to be happy?” the answer is usually: I don’t know… for them to live a good life.
Brain-Based Parenting: The SCARF-model Applied
This model is heavily used in business coaching and professional development
3 Parenting Habits to Start 2022 Well
Children’s Fears Post-Pandemic + FREE WEBINAR
Today I want to share with you what I’ve learned from the readings and from working with parents in my practice.
How To “Collect Our Children” – Emotionally: 7 Habits
No matter how great our love or how well intentioned our parenting we have less margin for error than parents ever had before
How to: Help Your Child with Stress from Taking Tests
Your children are under more stress than they can truly handle at their age, and that’s why they can’t focus