How Your Child’s Brain Works + FREE WORKSHOP

Hello, dear conscious parent 💟

Children need our help to feel an emotional bond with us because the cycle of connection-disconnection-reconnection happens many times a day. Children need to feel both physically and emotionally safe. Children feel emotionally safe when they are:

  • nurtured
  • validated
  • seen &
  • heard by the adults in their life.

To understand your child’s behavioral responses, you need to learn as much as you can about your child’s brain.
Here’s a simple overview:

  • there are (mainly) three parts of the brain: the reptilian brain, the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex;
  • when these systems are in harmony, the child is in an integrated state of mind (cooperative, open to learning, willing to share, curious, happy and flexible);
  • if a child feels unsupported, threatened or unsafe, their brain will trigger a flight-or-fight response and all executive functions governed by the prefrontal cortex will stop (will not be able to intake instructions or think logically, and will express row, powerful emotions, such as anger, disappointment, sadness, resentment);
  • young children can’t self-regulate when triggered emotionally; they need a loving adult to contain them and co-regulate with them (through limbic resonance or attunement).

Once parents educate themselves on what happens in the mind/ brain of their young children, they:

  • are more patient;
  • have more empathy;
  • don’t rush to punish or instate “consequences”;
  • don’t put their kids in time-out;
  • they seek to connect instead of correct;
  • they repair by apologizing if necessary;
  • they listen more, and lecture less;
  • they attune more easily.

This is not an easy task. You need to build your village, and I am here to help you. Sign up for my FREE  WEBINAR in the link below:

Here’s what a mom in my program recently said: 
“Mihaela helped me see the things I wasn’t seeing, despite being in therapy for 7 years.
She is very compelling. Every time I am about to fall into my default reaction, I hear Mihaela’s voice
in my head asking me to pause and connect first.
What struck me the most was that her advice was the only one that worked, unlike the advice I received over the years from psychologists, psychiatrists, school experts, logo-pedagogist.  It was like magic. “
( Mom of 10 y.o. child, UK)
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