Plant the Seeds of Conscious Parenting!

In honor of Earth Day, I invite you to plant the seeds of conscious parenting today, for a better planet tomorrow.
Our children are the only “tomorrow” of this planet. It is our responsibility to heal, become self-aware and more connected – as a baseline, effortlessly, on a daily basis.

Conscious Parenting, as I define it in my book, is:

a relationship- based process in which parents look inward and choose to expand their self-awareness and leadership with the inevitable results of connection, authenticity, and personal evolution for both the child and the parent.”

This work is not easy. We all need support.

These mothers took action and joined my Conscious Parent Accelerator Program. Here’s what they have to say:

“Last week I finally had a meeting with my son’s new teacher. She couldn’t understand why I insisted on meeting her until she read my son’s file. She told me that when she met him for the first time this year, he was a completely normal boy, connected in class, totally integrated with his classmates, a fast writer, playing with everyone during the breaks, and even showing emotion if he was not included in some games. That’s the exact opposite of what I would get from school for at least the past 4 years. She said if she hadn’t read the file, she would have never imagined my son used to have all those symptoms and even medication. I explained what a difference it made to now have evidence that this was the result of narcissistic abuse and not ADHD or learning disabilities. Mihaela, I cannot thank you enough for showing me how to support my son all this time in our journey from hell into normal life.”  (mom)

“Mihaela, I just wanted to say how grateful I am for the listening time you offered me a couple of weeks ago. I was in a very difficult position having had to handle a super difficult situation and my therapist was away on holiday. I found a lot of comfort in what you said to me, and it made a huge difference because I couldn’t handle it on my own and I had to be at my best for the next couple of weeks. Please don’t tell my therapist I cheated on him; I want to tell him myself 😉” (mom)

“Today, as I reflect about the year that is finishing, I can certainly say that 2021 will always be the year I started to really understand how to be a better person and mother and I will always be grateful for having found Mihaela and her program. I commit once again to keep working and to have hope and above all improving every single day in my relationship with my daughter.” (mom)

“When I initially connected with Mihaela in June, I was not sure what to expect. I was trying to heal from a difficult divorce from a narcissist, dealing with the aftermath of broken pieces, all while trying to keep it together for my 5 year old daughter.  I didn’t know how to handle the extreme aggressive outbursts, excessive tantrums, and what seemed like disrespectful disobedience coming from my baby.  I felt defeated and not equipped enough to handle it. Working with Mihaela made me realize that those episodes were my daughter’s cries for help. She is feeling the effects of the divorce as well and so young that she doesn’t know how to handle it. Mihaela has been amazing. She has challenged me to see things from a different perspective. She has helped me to realize a lot of the frustration or anger I was experiencing from others is just a mirror of what work I need to do, but most importantly she has helped me create a stronger bond with my daughter. I have learned better ways to deal with  my emotions which in turn helps me to help my daughter with hers.

She is tough, but in the best way possible, because she is doing her job. She does not sugar coat. She is firm in her beliefs and stands 100% confident in her work. She is intelligent, challenging, thought provoking, caring, passionate, and supportive. I highly recommend Mihaela and her conscious parenting program. Thank you, Mihaela for your continued support and guidance! Words cannot express enough the value you have provided to me and my daughter!” (mom)

With summer planning post-pandemic in full development, I urge you not to forget what really matters: your hundreds of daily interactions with your child create his/ her MIND and SELF-IMAGE.  These are the roots of all future behaviors, academic performance, social skills, emotional intelligence, creativity and quality of life.

Join my program today so you can be a calm, present and playful parent.

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