Good -Bye 2023! Welcome 2024! (conscious parenting with Mihaela)

  • How are you saying Good-Bye to 2023?
  • Do you have a ritual?
  • Are you getting caught up in the busy-ness of the holidays?
  • Are you pausing… to reflect?

Depending on your children’s ages, you can adapt these rituals (or not), but – for sure, you would enjoy and benefit from some kind of ritual in which you say good-bye to 2023, and welcome 2024 CONSCIOUSLY.

I recommend (you can adapt as you wish):

  • Set aside 3-4 hours, either alone, with your partner or with a group of close friends; include your children if they are old enough;
  • Have a notebook and a comfortable atmosphere;
  • Start reflecting, writing, and integrating what happened in 2023 in terms of awareness, growth and coming in / going out. One of the laws of the Universe is that, for something to come in, something has to go out, and vice-versa.

Here are some potent questions to say Good-Bye to 2023 in a conscious way:

  1.     What was the biggest “mess” for me in 2023? What did I learn from it? How did it change me as a person?
  2.     Where/ When did I not take responsibility in 2023? What was the impact on my life? ( Be as specific as you can!)
  3.     What/ Who had to go out from my life in 2023? Why? How do I feel about this now ?
  4.     Where/ When was I courageous in 2023? What actions did I take? What was the impact on my life?
  5.     How did, or did not, I show up for myself in 2023, in the areas of:
  • mental & emotional health
  • fitness & physical health
  • finances
  • food
  • sleep
  • relationships
  • spirituality
  • recreation & hobbies
  • personal growth
  • work/ career/ purpose/ service to others

6. How did I show up for my children in 2023? Any regrets? Any lessons?
7. How did I show up for my partner in 2023? How did my partner show up for me? Any regrets? Any lessons?
8. I am grateful to Year 2023 for …………………

Here are some potent prompts to Welcome 2024 in a conscious way:

  1. My intention for 2024 is …………………
  2. I plan to grow / develop more in 2024 in the areas of …………………
  3. For my personal development/ healing, the steps I will take are …………………
  4. My biggest, most audicious dream for 2024 is to …………………
  5. My support system in 2024 is made of …………………
  6. When I need help, my go-to people are …………………
  7. As a conscious parent, my intention in 2024 is to …………………
  8. As a conscious partner, my intention in 2024 is to …………………


“I am so inspired by your book. Thanks for writing this amazing manuscript for mothering in the toddler years 🙏.
This is not for the faint-hearted and it’s so good to have tools like your book nowadays ❤️.”

Thank you for the hard work you’re doing as a parent.
I see you. I value you. We are stronger together.
Happy Holidays!

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