Boys Are Not Alright (on parenting boys)

In this article, I want to share with you new data about BOYS, and raising boys and men in America today. A few days ago, I was listening to the Diary of a CEO Podcast, and this episode literally shook me (click here)

The guest on the episode is Richard V. Reeve, founding president of the American Institute for Boys and Men (AIBM). Reeves is the author of several books, most notably “Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male is Struggling, Why it Matters, and What to do About It

If you are raising boys, I recommend you delve deeper into the data about what it means to be a boy/man in America today. Here are few facts I took from AIBM’s website:

  • Boys and men are increasingly lonely, and at higher risk of suicide and “deaths of despair”.
  • 15% of young men today say they don’t have a close friend, a 5% increase since 1990. This loneliness, combined with a range of societal changes and pressures, has resulted in a mental health crisis for American boys and men. Today, men are 4% times more likely than women to die by suicide.
  • On average, boys are more attracted to things, machines, and complex systems that can be manipulated, while girls are more attracted to people; they are more interested in what those people are thinking and feeling. That’s why boys thrive in technical and vocational high-schools better than general academics-focused schools.
  • 21% of children are being raised by a single mom, up from 11% in 1968, in the USA today.
  • 1 in 3 children lose contact with their father 6 years after the divorce.
  • 41 % of households in America have women as the breadwinners.
  • Divorce is 2 times more likely to be initiated by the woman.
  • Fathers matter. Boys need their fathers, or a stable, healthy male role model.


Open document (300+ pages) curated by Jonathan Haidt & others on the state of mental health of boys and men today in America (click here)
American Institute for Boys and Men website. It’s a great hub for research data and recent media coverage (podcasts, TV, articles).
Jonathan Haidt ‘s article that links to more resources (click here).

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This is from a client this week:

Yet another AHA moment for me, courtesy of (of course) YOU. Thank you!!!! again and again and again… I thank you for helping me thru this whole journey of mine ❤️

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