Own Your Story in 2021

Hello, dear conscious parent 💟… Happy New Year!

For the past few weeks, I kept urging you to set conscious intentions for 2021, and hopefully you did. As we step into 2021, we need CLARITY in what we need, what we want, what we are worth and what we are willing to do THE WORK for. No amount of wishing and wanting is going to become reality if we don’t change, from the inside out. It’s as simple as that.

  • My invitation in 2021 is for us to OWN OUR STORIES. What does that mean exactly?
    – become aware of the lies we tell ourselves in order to justify a behavior or a judgement; in other words, become curious about the unconscious beliefs we have, investigate them and replace them as needed;
    – stop the blaming and the self- victimization- no matter what the trauma or the heart-ache is; there are lots of resources for trauma healing, recovery after a breakup, divorce, abuse, loss of income, etc.; message me privately if you find yourself alone and feeling isolated in your pain so I can recommend a resource for you;
    – take pride in our “mistakes/ failures”; replace shame with ownership of the actions we took when we were hurt and disconnected from our worth; this is hard especially for women;
    – challenge cultural, religious, social and gender-imposed constructs before you conform.

How do we do this WORK?

If the answer were that simple, everyone on this planet would feel whole and emotionally safe, but it’s not. So, I am giving you 3 exercises that will bring you closer towards Owning Your Story:

1. Write 3-5 actions/events/decisions from your past that you feel ashamed of. List them one by one. Then, take each one of them and fill in the blanks: When I ……………. (action verb), I felt ……………. Because I felt ……………. , ……………. I kept it a secret from my (partner, children, close friends) for ……………. years. In these years, I compensated for my secret/hiding this part of myself by …………………………………………….
2. During my years of pretending and being inauthentic, the hardest thing for me was……………………………………………..
3. I now realize that not disclosing what I was ashamed of KEPT ME SAFE at that time. As a result, I am grateful to the many masks and personalities I wore. They allowed me to make the best of my situation. As of today, I don’t need to hide anymore. I am strong enough to face my pain and see the lessons in what I did. My 3 most important lessons are:

1) …………………………………………..
2) …………………………………………..
3) …………………………………………..

Let me know how it went and don’t forget: I have few spots left for my Conscious Parent Accelerator course starting in January 2021. Book a call with me today to find out more.

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