FREE Class for Divorced Parents

I define the co-parenting relationship as a mutual agreement (to raise the child) between two separated, divorced or unmarried parents. This relationship may be difficult, filled with resentment and prone to conflict or it may be harmonious when both parents make the health and the psychological safety of the child a priority.

Regardless of whether your co-parenting relationship is harmonious or filled with conflict, the only parent you have control over is YOU. Children of all ages raised in high-conflict co-parenting settings, feel big feelings like anger, resentment, hate, guilt and shame. In order to avoid developmental trauma due to high conflict (pre- or post- separation) between parents, a child needs at least one safe parent; one conscious parent.

I want to help you be the safe parent, and therefore I invite you to watch my mini-course for divorced parents, link below:

After you watch it, let me know if it was helpful or not. Write to me via email or Instagram (@parenting.made.conscious)
**********WATCH THE FREE CLASS HERE***************

From a mom in my program in this week’s coaching call:

“I really appreciate what I saw about myself in the session today… It is amazing how sharing what I am going through ends up giving me perspective and in the long run I am sure this will help me in building a healthy relationship with my daughter.
Thank you again and again for your work.”

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