What do you do in this program ?

I help parents go from feeling angry, impatient, confused and exhausted to feeling confident, accomplished, equipped and trauma-informed so that they create an unbreakable lifelong bond with their children based on mutual trust and open communication.

How is the program structured?

The program has an online component, a live component and a private Facebook group. First, you get lifetime access to the 8 video-modules that are already online. You watch, study and do the homework and practices at your own pace, as many times as you need to. Second, you receive live coaching from me 2 times per week, for the rest of your life ( no expiration date!). In these coaching calls, you and other parents bring up questions, daily struggles and concerns and I answer each one. Third, you will be a part of a like-minded community of conscious parents, also members in our program, in a private Facebook group. Here, you can ask me questions, and also you get to be supported by other parents in your journey.

Can me and my partner participate together?

Yes. There is no bigger gift you can give your child than both parents doing this work together towards becoming conscious parents.

How will my children’s privacy be protected if I talk about them?

All calls are confidential and restricted to program members only. If you leave a testimonial in the Facebook group and I decide to use it publicly, I cover all names unless the parent gives me permission to show the name(s).

What do you teach in the modules?


Inner child wounds & healing work
Self-parenting work
Triggers & self-regulation
Attachment theory & attachment styles
Unconscious beliefs
Relationships as mirrors
Emotional literacy
Map of consciousness
Coming back into your body


Learning to be present
Present moment barometer
“As Is”-ness as a way of life
Fear & expectations
Cultivating daily gratitude


The science of connection
Tools for connection with your child
The neuro-science of emotions
Adverse childhood experiences
Conscious Co-Parenting for divorced parents & blended families
Conscious Creation of your family & life

How much does it cost?

I will tell you the price of the program when we talk on the phone. I only accept parents with whom I speak on the phone to make sure that my program is a good match for your individual concerns and parenting challenges/ needs. To schedule a call with me, DM -me on Instagram @prof_mihaela or email me at

What do parents say about the program?

“I would recommend Mihaela’s class to all my friends who are parents. I was lucky to find Mihaela during a time when I was struggling, thinking that I’m failing as a mother. Mihaela gave me reassurance, shared her own experiences, failures, and successes. She is open-minded, smart, and very resourceful. The classes were such a good starting point in my conversations with my husband about how we are as parents and how we can do better as a family.” ( mom, Australia)

“On a scale from 1-10, I rate this program 20. Although I had been in therapy, the introspection and tools I got from this course to keep growing as a person are going to be with me for years to come. The connection tools (parent-child) and the self- awareness tools were the most impactful. Also the advice for conflictive co-parenting. I am now practicing routinely 1:1 undivided time with my son; discovering my triggers and wounds and what to do about them; the map of consciousness and gratitude exercises… there’s something new every week. I can listen more to my child and be present, and I can connect with him a lot better, which is the whole purpose I think of this. As a result, he is listening to me more, and responding too!” ( mom, Argentina)

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart Mihaela Plugarasu because I have learned to be present, give 1:1 undivided time , compassion and above all, listen, listen, listen. Something very special and that I consider a gift for life is the fact that I can see my triggers and they are vanishing as I understand them- it’s such a blessing not to feel like I did before. This program is so powerful that I can say that for me there will always be a before Mihaela and after Mihaela in my relationship with my daughter, in my relationship with myself and with everyone I love. In just the first 3 weeks I started experiencing results that were beyond my imagination and now I am sure that I have a road ahead, hard work and of course ups and downs but I have the tools and the priceless coaching calls to refresh and address specific situations. This is an investment that will pay off better than any other thing I have invested in so far. I just want to share how grateful I am for this opportunity for me and my family.” ( mom, United States)

“Even during the crazy morning routine, it takes 30 seconds to stop and give your child a hug. And those 30 seconds work like compound interest and can be the difference between being on time or being 5,10,15 minutes late. And even better, there are at least half a dozen opportunities to do so throughout every morning. Thank you, Mihaela, for sharing with us the ABCs of conscious parenting.” ( dad, Australia)

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