Hello, dear conscious parent💟
In the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving on November 25. This is an important holiday especially because it brings extended families together and it reminds everyone “to count their blessings”.
We know that at any given time of the day, children and parents alike are under a lot of pressure, which, if not managed properly, turns into toxic stress and hurts our body, mind and relationships. Luckily, scientists and spiritual teachers agree on one thing: when we connect to a state of gratitude, fear and stress disappear or decrease significantly.
In my book, I wrote:
As with everything else in parenting, gratitude is a way of being that we must embody ourselves in order to raise grateful kids. Gratitude is not a practice, it is a way of living life every day. Every-single-day.
Here are my TOP 5 practical tools you can start using today in order to raise a grateful child:
1. Start the day with a gratitude mantra that’s very simple and at the language-level of your child. Say it out loud and ask your child to repeat after you, every day. Be patient and let imperfections go by. You can build a ritual around this mantra right before you leave the house or before breakfast:
2. Give, give, give. Donate items, books, money, clothes, and food to the homeless, organisations and people in need TOGETHER WITH YOUR CHILD. Take your child with you when you donate. Give 1$ to the homeless when your child is with you. Please, don’t lecture your child about your act. Modelling the act of kindness is enough for your child to learn that he/she has things in their life to be grateful for, no matter how young the child is.
3. Tell people you are grateful for them at birthday parties, holidays and during phone conversations. Let your child hear that. On a birthday card, you and your child together can add simple things like “Thank you for being my friend.”
4. Tell your child often that you are grateful for being their parent; that you love them just the way they are, and for no other reason.
5. Write in your gratitude journal every day. Invite your child to take part in the process, by asking simple things like: “What made you happy today? What are you grateful for today?” (Listen, listen, listen. Do not interrupt, correct or fix anything that your child says.)
To conclude:
Gratitude is not an attitude that you can teach your child on Thanksgiving.
Gratitude is an embodied way of life that you must model to your child every single day, in small ways.
That’s how you raise grateful children.
Happy Thanksgiving!